Its a Deal !!
Recently read the international bestseller by Herb Cohen on how to negotiate. Its a great book and I would greatly recommend it.
Negotiations play an important role in business and everyday human life in general. Heck we negotiate with ourselves on a daily basis. Our brain negotiates with our heart on whether we should get up an hour earlier, whether one shpuld bunk that economics class later that day, whether one should eat that last piece of cake or even whether one should laze around at home or take the wife out.
Essentially what Herb Cohen says is this:
Any negotiation hinges upon three key variables:
Power, Information and Time: Who has the upper hand in each.. you or the other side.
He goes on to describe two different styles of negotiations:
Soviet style: Named after the strategy followed by the leaders of the erstwhile Soviet is basically winner takes all. Makes use of extreme starting positions, limited authority and emotional tactics.
Win -win style: Both sides benefit. Kind of follows the " Mi casa es su casa" approach..
For more.. read the book.
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